Thursday, November 8, 2012


Then Peter called to him, “Lord, if it’s really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water.”
29 Yes, come,” Jesus said.
So Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the strong wind and the waves,  Matt. 14:28-30a

WAIT A MINUTE!!!!   Wasn't there a storm still going on?  Did Peter feel it was safer with Christ in the midst of a storm, that it was on a boat with all of His brothers in Christ?  If you take careful notice the storm was in fact still going on, strong winds and waves were still ensuing.  They were still struggling to row and had been for quite a while, and despite all of this Peter saw His Lord in the middle of it all, with all power and dominion, and thought it was better for me to be out there with Christ then on this reeling ship.  

What's going on around you?  Teenage kid whoas?  Work whoas?  Financial storms too difficult to navigate through?  While Peter had great faith in this instance, He asked permission from Christ concerning his next steps.  So before you leave, before you make that decision to do what seems to be Christ's invitation, especially when it comes to doing something that you know doesn't seem natural.  Walking on water is a supernatural event, but truth be told the way in which things were intended to be pre-fall of man, we were made to have the same dominion over all Earth. 

SO will you get out of the boat today about sharing your faith?  I'm sure the disciples were amazed at Peter, and wished...that had been them.  Will you get out of the boat regarding sharing the LOVE of GOD in actual deed, or will you completely miss the opportunity to do something beyond yourself to bless others, and honor GOD with your WHOLE life today? Trust me if you leave your house (getting out of the boat) there are divine appointments waiting for you at the gas station, lunch counter, the office, the grocery store.....etc just remember to see each instance as a DIVINE APPOINTMENT, not a coincidence.  LGLP

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