Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Master,” Simon replied, “we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” And this time their nets were so full of fish they began to tear! A shout for help brought their partners in the other boat, and soon both boats were filled with fish and on the verge of sinking.  Luke 5:5-7

So here you have Peter and crew tired and probably frustrated as they spent several hours attempting to do what they are good at, and came up short.  Nothing, not one fish to bring in. It's like having worked an 8hr shift, only to clock out realizing that you didn't accomplish anything you were supposed to.  So Christ comes along and tells Peter let's go out, and little deeper.  Remember yesterday we talked about mistaking Christ's advice as common, and not following Him could be costly, even when it seems like we know more....WE DON'T.  So Peter says....." if you say so, I'll let the nets down."  Notice how Christ didn't say...." my baad Peter you're right....what was I thinking!"  No more than He's saying to you.....right now....regarding_______________________ that your way is really the better way. 

When Peter reluctantly but still obediently casted His nets out again, it says (and rather quickly....it didn't say 6hrs later) this time their nets were overloaded and the nets began to tear, so much so they needed to call in for assistance to get all the fish in. 

I have a question for you......WHAT IS IT THAT YOU ARE REFUSING, OR HESITANT TO TRUST CHRIST IN?  WHAT ARE YOU LOSING OUT ON BECAUSE YOU ACTUALLY HAVE DECEIVED YOURSELF INTO BELIEVING YOUR WAY IS THE BEST WAY?  I'm sure Peter was a little concerned about what other people thought ashore when they seen him casting his nets out in the middle of the day......but once he obeyed....I'm also sure He realized WOW JESUS does know it all and the people watching were too astonished.   I know loving GOD is easy, but it's the loving people (all of them.......ESPECIALLY THEM) that you are like that's impossible.  Or submitting to________________ (the spouse, gov't authority, bosses, etc.)  If David could submit to horrible Saul (who was trying to kill him) what's your beef?  If Joseph swho was betrayed by his brothers....still showed forgiveness, grace, and mercy what about your family?   Joseph still honored Potifer even after being falsely accused of raped, and jailed for many years.........how can you not choose to follow the WORD of GOD, in how you live today?  Love is a choice & is an action word (much like obedience).....the question is whom will you choose to LOVE?   LGLP

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