One of the things I love about JESUS and His WORD, is that He never once promises us that our lives will be devoid of storms. As a matter of fact He tells us that we will have trouble in this life, that we will be offended, that people will say all manner of things against us, that we will be tempted, that when we are persecuted, and when we a struck on one cheek to turn and offer them .......... I've always heard that in life you are either heading into a storm, in the middle of one, or coming out of one, but know that STORMS will be a regular part of life. I don't care what's going on it appears storms appear when you lease expect them.....but given life, shouldn't we learn that their will always be storms. Remember storms are two fronts colliding. WARM and COLD fronts (air masses). You got hot aired folks conflicting with cooler air folks. You lukewarm Christians colliding with COLD/HOT Believers. You got really lax parents colliding with strict parents. You got the calm cool and collected, bumping heads with hot heads....and we wonder why we struggle with loving people, but we are called to!
The only way to successfully make it through this STORMY life is remembering that JESUS PROMISES ARE TRUE. He says he will never leave us nor forsake us, so no matter what storm you are in, as a believer, you are NOT ALONE, HE IS WITH YOU!
THERE IS A PURPOSE for even the storms.....JESUS TELLS the disciples "Let's go to the other side," not I think we can make it, not I hope we can make it, not some of us will make it, but LET'S CROSS TO THE OTHER SIDE." In other words none were anticipated or expecting to perish. He planned on everyone withering this storm (they didn't know about it, but HE knew it was coming) and arriving safe on the other side.
What about you....what storm are you currently in, going into, or coming out of, that you totally forgot that He wasn't shocked that He left you and the kids. He wasn't surprised that you got fired or evicted. He knew that the Dr. was going to say_____________________? I need you to remember that HE did say " For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." Eccl. 3:1
I don't know what you are in, going into, or coming out of, but remember that if He brings you to it, He will bring you through it! Focus on GOD not the STORM, and you'll find peace. LGLP
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