Friday, December 14, 2012


 And Salmon begat Booz of Rachab; and Booz begat Obed of Ruth; and Obed begat Jesse;
And Jesse begat David the king; and David the king begat Solomon of her that had been the wife of Urias; Matthew 1:5-6

We all know the heart-warming story of Ruth.  She wasn't a prostitute, or a woman pretending to be one...but rather she was a heart-broken widow, whose life didn't turn out the way she intended.    She ends up staying with her mother-in-law a residing as a foreigner.   Ruth I'm sure was disappointed and Naomi had some bitterness, regret, grief, and was frustrated with where her life was heading but thank God because we see He doesn't leave this women, but rather He blesses them with one another. Naomi encourages Ruth and vice versa, GOD HAS A PLAN...and Naomi see's Boaz for Ruth and instructs her to do somethings.

Ruth ends up with Boaz, which in turn yields a son Obed, that had a son, JESSE the father of David, which David has a son name Solomon, from another man's wife (Bathsheba).   WAIT A MINUTE.....did the writers of the Bible make a mistake.....David had a son from another man's wife.....YES!  See the Bible is presented to us in all GOD's GLORY and MAN's warts....every last one of them!   David the man after GOD's own heart, the ONE who slew Goliath, the great king, made a BIG MISTAKE, but GOD redeems all of this mess.  This is why when people say GOD won't, or can't bless mess....I say you don't know my GOD!  GOD had a plan because despite all of DAVID's dirt, it's through DAVID, it's through Bathsheba, through the messiness of Ruth's life, Rahab the prostitute, and Tamar....that JESUS comes!

You think you life is think you've done too much to be think GOD can't and won't bless your mess.......I encourage you to read the WORD of GOD and see where book after book, chapter after chapter GOD is trying to wooo us back to Him, He wants us to give Him our MESS and watch what He does with it..........LGLP

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