29 Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. 30 “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God! Luke 1:28-30
Can you imagine? Living your life....being a fairly decent, innocent, plain Jane, doing your best to honor God in the simplest of ways, and having an Angel tell you......YOU HAVE FOUND FAVOR WITH GOD! Nowadays, some of us, we've become so ........so........self righteous in our faith that when someone says, I'm blessed we answer back...." and highly favored" or we'll say, " Oh yes, I am blessed and highly favored too....." And sometimes I wonder how do you know that you are? Mary was living such a humble and ordinary life (really doing what we all should be doing) that she didn't think of herself as "HIGHLY FAVORED" it took an Angel appearing to her to inform her of her stature in the sight of the LORD. Notice it doesn't say Mary's response was......" You're right! I AM!" no she was confused it says and disturbed. I'm sure she was confused about being highly favored (as to say why am I, and how am I) while she was disturbed because there was an Angel, you know a supernatural being.......standing in front of her.
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