Let us tell it, if I was telling my family story, there are certain people we may choose to leave out, maybe they cheated on their spouse. Maybe they were child molesters. Maybe they were mentally challenged. Maybe they were known as the "around the way girl," you know all the guys knew her. But not the story of my savior......He sees every person as valuable, even the ones you don't welcome in your church, or your home, or your life. That was Rahab, a known prostitute that demonstrated her faith in GOD, by hiding two spies of Israel in her tent.
God seeing and honoring her faith in Him, decided to inform Joshua to destroy the city of Jericho, but save her and her family. See it had nothing to do with what she had done in the past, but rather but she chose to do in her present for the future.
What about you.......what has you stuck? OK, you did what they said you did. You said what they said you said. But Rahab didn't let that DEFINE who she was. I don't know what sermon, what message, what scripture she heard or read, but we do know at some point she desired and decided to honor GOD. It's never too late to make the decision to HONOR GOD with you life.
My prayer is that you let you past GO, so that TODAY you might HONOR GOD with the very life He gave you today, so that like RAHAB, your family, and generations to come might be saved. I'm pretty sure Rahab didn't know that JESUS would be coming through her family line, but I'm thankful HE DID! There's hope for us all, if we choose to HONOR HIM @ WORK, @ SCHOOL, @ HOME , just HONORING HIM IN LIFE & ALL OUR RELATIONSHIPS where it begins with LOVING GOD, & LOVING PEOPLE! LGLP
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