Good morning! Many of you woke up this morning with the same routine. Alarm clock went off, you got the coffee/breakfast started, you got dressed for work, and you know how the rest goes. You'll put in your time, brave the drive home, grab a bite to eat, relax, and at some point go to sleep. For some, church maybe injected there but for the most part it's a mundane existence. This continues on through the week, and weekend and this is YOUR LIFE. No matter where you live.....St. Charles, O'Fallon, Jennings, Bellefountaine, St. Louis, Bourbun, Cuba, where ever it there REALLY ANYTHING REMARKABLE or EXTRAORDINARY about where you live or what you do from day to day? Probably not......we like playing it safe, and routines are ok with us. Mary lived in Nazareth, remember the place that it was said later, " Can anything good come from Nazareth" (John 1:46) and the scripture informs us that she was engaged and her life, her plan....was interrupted.
Now angels don't appear or make themselves known to us, nor do they deliver you a message like the one given to Mary, but I submit to you this: EVERY SUNDAY A MESSAGE IS DELIEVERED to you and my question is have you put into practice ANY OF IT, ( you know the sermon)?
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