Whoa......wait one minute.....ok I get the whole storm thing, and fearing for their lives, but weren't these fishermen on this ship? Wouldn't they have been use to the uprising of storms while at sea? Especially on the Sea of Galilee where you had cool air constantly colliding with warm air? Say what you want about the disciples and how faithless they may have been from time to time, but in this instance we catch a glimpse of what it truly means to humble yourself and simply cry out in faith!
See Jesus wasn't disturbed by the storm, no more than He's disturbed during yours....but when you cry out and exercise your faith by humbling yourself; in other words you maybe skilled in _____________________ but you don't know it all, and you know who does. So you call out to: JESUS!
Here's what I believe " He can do exceedingly abundantly above all I can ask or think according to (His Spirit: The Holy Spirit) the power working in me. So I can love GOD, and love people because I'm empowered to do so by His Spirit....this is how I exercise my FAITH, TRUSTING and BELIEVING IN HIM DAILY to do the IMMEASURABLE, UNBELIEVABLE, UNFORGETABLE & UNIMAGINABLE through my little life! LGLP
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