Friday, March 15, 2013


Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. 11 I will rebuke the devourer[a] for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says the Lord of hosts. 12 Then all nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land of delight, says the Lord of hosts.  Mal. 3:10-12

I remember growing up we got to an age where we thought there were certain things we could get away with.  Not stealing or nothing like that...but literally testing my mom's patience and intelligence on things.   Like she worked irregular very long hours, so we just knew she wouldn't know if we were outside playing, or that by the time she got home she'd be to tired to care about the condition of the kitchen or our rooms........boyyyyyy were we ever wrong.   She always knew...and she was never too tired to wake us up and "aggressively force" us our of our sleep to get up to do what we were supposed to do.

GOD, on the other hand isn't going to aggressively force us out of our debt, or lack of giving circumstances.....nope....we do that with our own choices in concert with the terrorism of the enemy.  GOD simply says TEST ME.....but HE totally plans to blow your mind.   So how do we begin to do can we get from not giving, to consistently giving, to scripturally giving, to living generously before the Lord?  Here are the 3 P's:

First you have to make giving to GOD a PRIORITY!  See if when you make money, get a check, think of it like LET ME take care of ME (treating yourself, paying some bills....cause many people don't pay them all....someone is always short) and then I'll see what's left and GIVE to GOD.   This is totally backwards.   GOD has to be the first you bless....and you have to do it this way!  He's the one that provided you with the job, that keeps you healthy, and ultimately blesses you with the ability to produce wealth.

Secondly you have to follow His plan on what PERCENTAGE is a starting point.  10%...notice in Malachi it doesn't say bring what you want, and watch it says bring the TITHE which is 10% and then it's followed with a promise.  If a bank tells you there's a certain amount needed to open an account, you can't just give them less than what the starting point is and open the account.  Plus in giving to GOD the goal should never be to GET from Him, actually He's given too much to us already....and like grateful children to their parent we should long to bless GOD back for all He's done and provided for us.

Lastly your giving should be other words for those of you that are TITHERS already.....what would it take for you to say...." GOD deserves more?  If He owns it all, and He entrusts a portion of it to you, then you produce more....." How much of what He's blessed you with should you, or do you NEED to keep?"   A few years ago they changed the standard amount for tipping your waiter/waitress.......some are faithful to tip them appropriately....but does your server get more than your GOD?

Giving for many of us presents challenges, but I'd rather face those challenges than the ones I'm left with when GOD isn't with me, and my giving doesn't reflect my devotion to Him.  It doesn't stop at finances folks...that's just a starting much is your home (that He blessed you with) is used for ministry?  When was the last time you used your car to transport someone home, or carried a meal to a family in need?  What do you do at you place of worship, or are you JUST a consumer?  We are called to be worshippers...and that includes more than singing, dancing, and or lifting our hands....but rather we'd be the SALT and LIGHT...and the more of yourself you give, the more of HIM THEY SEE!  JUST GIVE UP, and GIVE!  LGLP

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