While this is a funny or comical picture, how we treat God in relation to our finances and blessings isn't funny at all. It's actually shameful. It's like your kid refusing to share with you their parent. It's like an employee unwilling to share with their boss. It's really the creation saying to the creator....NO!
So we have today this section of scripture that has been used over and over again to drive home the point and challenge that we are supposed to trust GOD with a small portion of our finances. The odd thing is....the majority of "said" BELIEVERS/CHRIST FOLLOWERS and I emphasize SAID don't consistently give to GOD or His Kingdom's causes on Earth, yet we wonder why our communities are the way they are. It's been said that people don't plan to fail, but they fail to plan. This is us......no teenager says I want a job, so I can go into debt....but many if not all of us end up there. WHY? Because we don't include GOD in our finances, nor do we go into working with the mindset of blessing GOD with our finances. We really think....ITS OUR MONEY...that it belongs to us....totally forgetting that WE PRAYED FOR THIS JOB, that GOD BLESSED US WITH. So it wasn't really us that got the job....but rather GOD's favor that allowed us to be hired for the job. So we owe Him thanks for that, and what better way to show our thankfulness by investing in His desires to be able to serve the community through our giving/bringing a gift. This is what it means to have meat in His storehouse......the local church should be the food pantry, but they can't....because people come to churches to consume...instead of to bring a blessing. This is why there was no needs unmet in the Acts 2 church. They realized in their hearts that God deserved so much more than just a 10% gift.
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