1Cor. 7:22-23
REMEMBER......this verse starts off with asking us to remember.....remember on Monday how GOD's intention was that we were to be the lender not the borrower. Remember Jesus said we were to be the HEAD not the TAIL....remember that we were bought with a HIGH price.....JESUS paid His life for our freedom....and are you willing to trade your crown for shackles? Are you willing to trade your freedom for a monthly payment?
If you are Jewish, Asian, Indian, or African American....the thought of slavery or going back to it....should repulse you. It should enrage you enough that you'd ensure that you or your kids would never have to endure what your fore-fathers/mothers had to endure.....so if that's true...we can't hide the truth from them. Let's educate them on why credit cards, and debt as a whole is unhealthy and not worth our freedom. The cycle of poverty can be broken by you. I heard someone say when they hear the complaints and cynicism of today's elders re: the state of today's generation they laugh because today's generation is the byproduct of the generation before them failings.

I believe there is a lot of truth to this because we see this in our neighborhoods and schools systems. Our neighborhoods aren't communities because we are to tired or selfish to invest in building relationships with our neighbors. When we see parents who don't train up their kids....things get worse. So where are you now....if you died today did you educate your kids on healthy living? Did you submerse them in godly principals that you followed? Or do they see a legacy of poverty that awaits them?
I digress.....as an African American who has a family history of slavery, and have ignorantly chosen slavery (debt) in my younger years, I am now and have been choosing to say NO TO SLAVERY! Of any kind...and prayerfully my kids will be able to enjoy the FREEDOM CHRIST intended for them to enjoy when He died on the cross, and chose me and Cherilyn to be their parents. I pray you too choose to live, lead, and leave a legacy that promises a better future for those that will be coming to live. LGLP
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