Tuesday, March 5, 2013


The more you have, the more people come to help you spend it. So what good is wealth—except perhaps to watch it slip through your fingers!   12 People who work hard sleep well, whether they eat little or much. But the rich seldom get a good night’s sleep.  Eccl. 5:11-12

Some of you see this picture and dream, " If only..." and I say "thank you Lord for what I have that you've blessed (entrusted) me with.  I pray I'm honoring you with it....."
Ever watch those shows where they follow up on the folks who've actually won the lottery, and discover how horribly more money has caused them more grief, and you say to yourself......" That wouldn't be me?"  The truth is the truth!  Solomon was the richest, and wisest of kings, and if anyone knew about the downfall of the pursuit of happiness through the acquisition of things, he did!

The more you have the more you worry about.   We've all left town, concerned about our stuff...some to the extent we've hired house sitters, or pay for home security systems.  Some folks can't sleep because they are worried about___________________(always something you can't control).   Solomon said we actually have to hire people to help you spend it: Can someone say investment specialist or accountants?  When you are broke you don't have any extra to give people.   Some of us are so consumed with our stuff....we have this storage bill.....really you are paying someone to keep stuff you don't even use?   

Wanting more creates conflicts....James 4:1 hit the nail on the head when he asked:  What is causing the quarrels and fights among you?   It's always because we want our own way and we are led by our own evil desires.   When was the last time you fought because you and your spouse, co-worker, best friend, or neighbor because you both wanted GOD's will?  RIGHT, it's because you wanted them to do or see things YOUR way........so depending on what it is you are actually in pursuit of today, will greatly affect what type of day you will have (inside or outside your home).

So what is it that you are in pursuit of?   Is it a better paying job? Then my question to you would be why and if your answer is to make more money, my response is I'll be praying for you.   Is it that you are actually in pursuit for a companion?  Then my response to that would be: I'm praying that your relationship with God is an intimate love affair, because without GOD no marriage will be what it could be.   If your pursuit is for fame, my response for that is REALLY?  It's (this life) is so not about you, but what you do with it to leave an impact on those around you.   

 If you want my honest opinion the pursuit of happiness is one of the most ridiculous rat races ever penned.   Why settle for something as temporal and cheap as happiness, when you can have joy which is eternal and unconditional?  Pursue the will of GOD for your life, and start by simply loving God, and loving people my tag line LGLP!  Have a blessed day! 

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