Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Trust in the Lord with all your heart;do not depend on your own understanding.  6 Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.  Proverbs 3:5-6

  I'm sorry but I'm of the class and belief that our money really betrays us, or the sayings we put on the money are just downright false for many of us.   I know the bill says IN DEBT WE TRUST, but I would also challenge you to buy into IN US WE TRUST or even worse....IN STUFF WE  TRUST.  WHY?  Because if we all believed in the statement IN GOD WE TRUST there would not be this attachment to money.   We'd be natural givers understanding that IT ALL belongs to Him. 

We'd make sure we'd give to GOD whatever He stated or more, and rely completely on Him to "MAKE OUR ENDS MEET" which in reality on He can do.   It wasn't until I began trusting GOD at the ripe old age of 22 years old with giving an honest tithe, that I began to actually climb out of debt with Dillard's, Famous & Barr, and a few other credit cards.   I'm even ashamed to admit that even after that.....I continued to believe that unless I had ________________________ I hadn't made it.  So after paying off those cards, I went back into slavery (debt) with Sears and at least 5-6 other cards because I still felt I needed my stuff (Playstation, rims on the car, expensive clothes, audio equipment in my car, road trips every other weekend, etc) which I think many of us still buy into.   We sheepishly go back to attempting to trust God and the marketing of our culture...which we end up trying to serve two masters.  

We feel as though unless I have these clothes I will look and feel better.   Unless I buy this new piece of equipment I will lose more weight, to be more sexier.   We tell ourselves I need this cruise, this vacation to help me relieve my stress...instead of giving our stress to God and trusting time spent with Him (during a daily devotion) to relieve our stress.

See at the end of the day....it's not true....some of us, if not many of us don't trust in GOD...as the scripture says.  We trust in ourselves....where we have a history of really of failing ourselves, our families, our communities because we trust in the accumulation of stuff/things to give us, only what GOD can.   So today....will you pause before you purchase?  Will you actually stop, look, and listen before the streetcar named debt desire drags you another mile.....and instead say GOD IN YOU DO I TRUST, and I APOLOGIZE for living a life where it was all about acquiring things that ultimately left me lacking, and what I really need is more of YOU.   MAY GOD BLESS  YOU TO LIVE TODAY IN HIM, and not dependant on what only money can buy.   LGLP

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