It's been long theorized and characterized that the largest land mammal the elephant was afraid, fearful of one of the smallest creatures, the mouse. Never really considering the truth of the matter that Elephants in captivity (circus, zoo, etc) are exposed to conditions in which mice are found all in the hay and often the sharing the same space....so where did this come from and why has it continue to be perpetuated......entertainment effects?
As you think about this and come to this feeling of ridiculousness that elephants would be petrified of mice.....make the leap of FAITH, that we too are fearful of a few ridiculous things. False Evidence Appearing to be Real (F.E.A.R) such as many of our phobias....when you really stop to think about it we probably, most likely FEAR the wrong things. Jesus says to His audience " don't fear those who can do you bodily harm...." in other words bill collectors, car jackers, drug dealers, the monsters of our world"........don't fear them.....don't live in such a that it paralyzes you from doing what it is God is calling you to do. But fear the one who is able to destroy your soul & body.
We know people who are afraid to fly, and we think that's ridiculous. We know people who are afraid of all dogs, and we think that's ridiculous. We know people afraid of ___________________ and we think that's ridiculous....but what is it that you are afraid of that others, God included, think is ridiculous and what is it keeping your from doing; THRIVING...living life fully alive and engaged? What part of you holding back of you, because of your fear of what others may think, or say......are you living by FAITH or in FEAR?
Simple question are you living life fully engaged, no fear, or are you stuck in a rut because of your fear(s)? I pray you BOLDLY TRUST GOD, and submit your fears to the cross and LIVE MORE ABUNDANTLY TODAY! LGLP
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