It's amazing...that one seed has the ability to produce so much... Just think about it...if you plant an apple seed, a tree is produced...not just an apple. From that one seed, you yield a tree, that in turn produces many branches, with many blossoms, that will yield apples, that in turn produces more seeds in each apple.
God knew what He was doing, and this is no byproduct of evolution or any other new fangle way of trying to explain creation. He said in Genesis to Adam: "Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened.
But wait a minute.....seeds are dead....right? You can buy them in a pack, they are dry....and if not planted they are of no affect right? RIGHT!!!! BUT, when planted.....see all of us are given seeds. Those seeds come in the form of time, talent, and money (tithe, etc) and what you do with those things will greatly impact you and the world around you. IF you hoard those things " the 3 T's" you will find yourself never having enough to satisfy you. You'll always wish you had more time. You will never be satisfied with your gifting of talent be that 1 or 5'll wish or pray you were able to do...... Money...well think about it....many if not all people have said..." If I made......I'd do....or I wish I could make about......" and when and if you do make more, you still desire to make a little more. I wonder what it would look like if you took that dead seed you have called 3 T's, what would your life look like?
What if you shared you talent....who would be blessed by it? If you gave to a missions trip, or dropped a coin in a bucket outside the've said it, we've all said...."Every little bit counts.." So what are you going to plant today.....a farmer doesn't scatter a seed, He scatters many, and what's amazing is that He's blessed with enough to sell, give away, and still have some left for himself and his family.
SO WILL YOU BE BOLD TO TAKE WHAT GOD HAS PLACED IN YOUR HAND that will remain DEAD, UNLESS YOU PLANT IT TO BECOME ALIVE, or will you allow this minute, this day, this week to pass.....and possibly you too without having made a sheer DIFFERENCE? LGLP
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