Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. 16 You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit.  Matt.7:15-17

Even then, during Jesus time, there were men/women whose hearts were not for Him, but rather sought  to prey upon the weak by dressing themselves to be people of the faith, when in essence they really were people looking to get over, get ahead, on the backs of the flock.   So Jesus tell us to beware......and likens the false prophet to a wolf in sheep's clothing.   This is very scary as wolves are pack animals, that are predators.  Which means 1) if you see or discover a wolf their pack isn't far behind.  2) Because they are predators they are only around to eat, or feed off, devour the weaker species.     Here's the biggest reason for the beware SHEEP TOO are pack animals, but they aren't predators.   They tend to be thought of as simple, naive, peaceful animals, so you add the dynamics of a wolf being fashioned as a sheep to a flock of sheep and it never ends well.  

So here's where we as sheep have to become wise as serpents and innocent as doves (Matt.10:16) to look at their fruit, or look at, study the way that they act.  Sheep are vegetarians, wolves carnivores.....watch and see if they eat what you eat.   If there is one thing that can't stay hidden for long is character.   Christ just talked to us about judging a week ago, but this isn't the judging that leads to condemnation, but rather the type that is an evaluation of evidence.   He says to look at their fruit.   Examine to see if there is any, if so is it good, and lastly where are you picking it from?   No one can testify of picking apples from poison ivy, or getting poison oak from an peach tree.   So therefore, if we as sheep can just look around we will be able to identify the wolf that will slip into the flock.  It's not always a pastor, it can be a member, a visitor.....but at the end of the day BEWARE.

So keeping with the previous weeks theme to help us through this weeks message on Solid Choices, choose to first examine yourself.   Can it be said of you that you are, or have been, or acted like a wolf in sheep's clothing?   Have you started rumors based on inaccurate info?  Have you been been talking about the pastor, the ushers, the worship team, etc. in a light that isn't that of Christ?  Have you, your words & conversation been the reason why the sheep are scattered?  

In closing......spend some time taking the beam, the plank, the log out of your own eye by going to the FATHER first in repentance, then go to whom you may have scattered & scared off from the faith and apologize.  Look.....be honest people whether it's been at church or in the workplace we've all been like a wolf in sheep's clothing.....we have all fallen short of the glory of GOD.   So please......BEWARE of YOURSELVES, then BEWARE of the spirit of the enemy, that will slip into your work groups, your communities, your teams, your congregations with the purpose of stealing, killing, and destroying you & God's mission through you.  Let's focus on loving GOD, and loving people!

Monday, July 30, 2012


You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell[a] is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.  Matthew 7:13-14

Uhm.....can you repeat that again.....how many entry points are there into heaven?   THE NARROW GATE, that sounds like just one entry point.  Notice it doesn't say the narrow gates, plural?  And keeping consistent with His character from the beginning of creation GOD gives us choices so just as their is a gate for heaven, He informs us their is an alternative selection where the gate & pathway to it is wide which is referred to  and is HELL.

There is one thing we have never been without in life, and that has been consistent since Adam & Eve, through the coming of Christ, and since his ascension; and that is a choice.  SO many people wrestle with " How can a "loving" God  condemn, or send His children to such a place as hell," and the simple answer to that is HE doesn't.   See you, me, WE are all on a path that leads to somewhere.    When  you wake up in the morning you either plan your course towards His desires for the day (how you treat, and respond to others) or you plot your course to that of selfishness (where it is all about you).   Notice again there is a choice to be selfless or selfish.    Now JESUS is so good to us, that HE informs us the narrow gateway to life is difficult and few ever find it:  STOP?   FEW ever find it?  Really?  How can I be sure I'll find it?  Simply put remember this is a road where selfishness can't exist, this is the road of selflessness....and there is a culture of HAVE IT YOUR WAY, YOU DESERVE A BREAK TO DAY, WHATEVER HAPPENS IN VEGAS......ETC where we promote and endorse selfishness.  This is why they're orphanages.  This is why there are starving people in AMERICA as well as AFRICA.  The narrow road will present you with challenges that mean you are constantly being conformed to the image of Christ, where the ultimate goal is that you love as He loved (others) and served as He served (others) to the extent His life was a sacrifice.

So what path are you on?  Who are you sacrificing your life for.....or you simply aren't and it's all about you?  This path (whichever you on) requires you to INTENTIONALLY choose it everyday, because like anything we have the ability to wander off, get distracted and make wrong turn.   I pray today you find the narrow path, and plot your course according to it's terrain, and trust JESUS to comfort you during the journey.  Remember you life is for His Glory, that later you maybe to share in that same GLORY!  LGLP (seriously love them)

Friday, July 27, 2012


Don’t waste what is holy on people who are unholy. Don’t throw your pearls to pigs! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you. " Matthew 7:6

Have you ever tried to preach the gospel to someone who didn't want to hear it?  Howabout times when you've told a young person (that you didn't know) what you thought they should do or be doing?   How did they receive it?    Chances are your message and your heart were both rejected and misunderstood.    See Jesus wants us to understand, what He already knew.....some people (sometimes those pigs are us....we've been there) don't want to hear the TRUTH.  Where they are right now is in a place where they can't see TRUTH or the need for it.    PIGS (selfish people)  have no need or use of PEARLS (precious truths) for what they want is carnal so attempting to feed them what they don't want will get you hurt.

This is why studying the tactics of Christ is so valuable.   Christ approached people with love, and while HE knew everything about them, he still gave them a opportunity to share their stories & in the midst of them sharing their stories their desires poured out to, which resulted in an opportunity for Him to minister healing to them.   Let's be about getting to know people, NOT SO WE CAN FIX THEM....REMEMBER WE GOT OUR OWN ISSUES TO WORK ON, just to learn how it is they need to be loved.   When people KNOW they are being loved, they are less likely to reject your efforts to give them TRUTH, as a matter of fact the seek out the TRUTH.  LGLP

Thursday, July 26, 2012


My dearly loved brothers, understand this: Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, 20 for man’s anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness. 21 Therefore, ridding yourselves of all moral filth and evil,[a] humbly receive the implanted word, which is able to save you.  (James 1:19-21 HCSB)

Let's just admit it: WE ARE QUICK TO JUDGE!  Say it with me....I, _________________ am quick, sometimes even TOO QUICK to judge.  You know, when you really stop to think about it, it begs the question WHY ARE YOU QUICK TO JUDGE?    What is it about other people's styles and preferences that gets you fired up?  To the extent that you don't gravitate to " let me get to know you" vs "I've seen this kind/type before," attitude?

I mean when was the last time your criticism or judgement of another person made them you friend?  Or that they said to you "thank you for judging me without knowing me."  Chances are none of this happened.   See the reason why we need to be quick to hear, is so we can learn their story.  Come to understand the logic behind why they voted as they did, or why they wear what they wear, or why they come in late every Sunday.   See James even tell us that our anger....(when we let our distaste lead us down this unfortunate path without all the intel needed to make an emotional decision) doesn't lead to righteousness, so while you may feel TOTALLY JUSTIFIED, God is saying you ARE NOT!  So what do we do......James answers that by saying rid yourself of your own moral filth.

2Chronicles 7:14 encourages us to humble ourselves, pray, seek HIS face, turn from our wicked ways.." and GOD WILL BLESS....so let's be quick to do these things.

So my prayer today is that you leave your house with fresh eyes.  Fresh eyes to see people as God sees them.  That you have compassion on the person that cuts you off today and resort to praying that they arrive wherever they are going safely.   That you will see the value in your co-workers instead of your view of their incompetency.   That you'd develop a heart for the homeless and actually think of one of them that you pass everyday and buy them a lunch, or offer them something cold to drink.  Ultimately that you'd be QUICK TO LOVE/SHOW COMPASSION instead of being quick to judge/condemn.   LGLP

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye. Matthew 7:5

You know part of the reason it's hard for our corrective criticism or judgmental ways are difficult to receive is because we, have issues that need to be addressed.   Take two alcoholics, neither one is in the position to tell the other about their drinking problem until one of them actually corrects their own drinking issues. This is primarily one of the biggest reasons why people have an issue with the "church" or coming to one because they feel WE are hypocrites, and to some extent......THEY ARE RIGHT!  Some more than others, but we have all at some point said one thing, but were doing something totally different. (Tithing or lack thereof, shacking up, fornication, not honoring our father, mother, anyone for that matter, stealing (office supplies counts too), the list goes on...........remember get in the mirror & work on your stuff, stay out of the window criticizing the outsiders)

On Sunday I asked the question:  When people come in the doors of our building.....how do we receive them?  First ask yourself, Am I able to approach this person the way I would want to be approached?   Think about how you would like to be received when you walk into a room, a home, a building full of people you don't know.  Do you want to be told about your faults before people find out your story?   THEN MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO DO UNTO OTHERS as you would have them do unto you.  In other words if you don't want to be sized up, judged, pigeon holed because of what you are wearing, how you are looking, who you are with....don't do it to our visitors.   I understand his pants are sagging or her breasts are hanging out.....let the SPIRIT cover that, while you love them back to JESUS through your welcoming ways.

Secondly, simply ask yourself how do I want to be judged?  Jesus tells us how we judge others will be the way in which we will be judged.   Simply put....how you treat others, will be ultimately how you will be treated.  No farmer plants corn and reaps thorns.   If you want a loving home, you have to plant love.   If you want a church where EVERYONE is welcomed...you have to be welcoming to EVERYONE. 

Chances are NO ONE LIKES to be judged, so let's work on our stuff, so judging does become our first thought, and while we work on loving people back to the FATHER, that they might see our good works, glorify Him, and ask you to help them.  NOT ONE PERSON HAS BEEN WON TO THE FATHER through HUMAN JUDGMENT.....but many have been WON through ACTS OF KINDNESS & LOVE.   LGLP

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


“And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye?  Matthew 7:3-4

This is how silly we can look when we have something in our eye, but yet trying to speak to the fault we find in someone else's.   Jesus is again in trying to paint this picture of why judging with the heart of condemnation and punishment is not the way to go, simply because we aren't in the position to do so when we ourselves have issues to deal with.  So here's my question:  are you deceived to thinking because of where you are (whatever your financial status, how many degrees you have, etc) think that you have obtained enough____________________to be judgmental of others?   Remember Paul cautioned us specifically about this when he said in Galatians 6:3-5 in regards to if we think we are something when we are nothing, we are deceiving ourselves....we should test our actions by our OWN actions....  In other words....STOP COMPARING yourselves to one another.  It's ridiculous.    Instead of comparing yourself to the person in the pew across from you, ask yourself are you any further today than you were last year.   THAT's the REAL COMPARISON is when you compare yourself to yourself.   Instead spending your day looking out of the window finding fault in the neighbors and the neighborhood....spend some time in the mirror doing some self improving of you.  

Funny how a mirror is designed not to lie, but rather show a true reflection of you.   The next time you get ready to tell somebody about their kids, look at yours.    The next time you get ready to point on the ketchup on some one's face.....check out the blob of ketchup on yours.   Let us be slow to point out, to find fault in others, and spend more time evaluating/fixing our issues so that others might rather see our efforts, admire them to the effect of asking for help with theirs vs. us trying to fix their mess while ours is overcoming us. 

So today, stop by a mirror or two, or three to remove the logs your may have in your eye, so that as you remove those, you may see clearer that the technique JESUS wanted  you to have when dealing with your husband, your friends, your teachers, your co-workers, your wife, your children was to work on your issues first, so that you could see that what they need is not judgment, but rather compassion & love.   It all comes back to LGLP!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.  (Matthew 7:1-2)

As I scan the BULL SHEET, a publication that is put out by the KCBS (Kansas City Barbecue Society) for competitions to take part in either to compete or to get the opportunity to "judge" other aspiring pit masters I can't help but come to grips with "The standard by which you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged, " rings so true to me.     Months ago one of the BULL SHEETS featured articles were specifically about judging with grace and how just like the competition needs competitors that they need well trained, grace filled, judges that are not trying to grill or smoke the competitors as they are all just wanting to get better.

How appropriate to apply in life!  As I type this on the heels of a kid walking into movie theatre and killing & injuring many people, we are to all evaluate people and circumstances to make sound decisions in everyday living.  But what JESUS is talking about is condemning and punishing others.....which if HE didn't come to condemn (John 3:17) the world....and WHO ARE WE TO ATTEMPT TO CONDEMN PEOPLE IN IT.     So think about this.....how do you feel when you walk into a new job or a new church....how would you like to be treated?   Do you want to be prejudged?  Sized up based on how you look, what you are wearing, how your hair is styled, or what color your skin is, or whether you have a noticeable disability?  Or would you rather be welcomed and loved?   Just maybe the reason why the seat next to you is empty....is because....someone is afraid of being judged again.

I've won some top 10, 5 placements in my 3 years of competing in BBQ contests, but after reading and realizing my own responsibility towards preserving the integrity of GOOD BBQ, I  need to make sure I evaluate my fellow competitors fairly and gracefully so that essentially they become better cooks because that is essentially what I want from them when I am competing.   Likewise people, most people......are really fumbling their way through life and all just desire to get better.  Instead of leading in with suggestions, condemnation, and punishments........let's lead in with LOVE & PRAYER, so we can be later LED by the SPIRIT of GOD on how HE wants us to LOVINGLY, & PATIENTLY walk with them as they try to find & follow the footprints of JESUS.  LGLP

Friday, July 20, 2012


Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.  (Matthew 6:33-34)

So JESUS says the cure to our worrying is to seek, to aggressively look forward, to turn our focuses to: HIS KINGDOM.  I know some of you are asking so are we suppose to grab us a Baggins and take off on the adventure to Mordor, Tirith or Middle Earth.  No, no need to find a Baggins but you should be looking forward ways to introduce people to the LOVE of GOD through your actions today.   This is righteous living to live AT PEACE with all people, even those that maybe ignorant towards you.  You as well as I know when and if we treat mean spirited people with love and compassion, it wrecks their day, in a good way.   IT'S FRIDAY so instead seeking to do ______________________ why not pause and before you go hop in the shower, or have your cup of coffee, ask GOD how can I bless you today with my life?  How can I bring a little of heaven to my marriage, my relationship with others, my co-workers, my community....GOD it's your will & kingdom ways I'm seeking today!

It's when we SURRENDER OUR WORRIES to His throne, and seek to actually create or simulate HIS KINGDOM COME, and THY WILL BEING DONE on the job, in our marriage, in our neighborhoods that you will actively see the fruits of your labor, and that you see the importance of showing yourself friendly yields a community that looks out for one another.   Like Zacchaeus people that knew you as being a selfish tax collecting crook, see how generous & joy-filled you've become and you know us ENQUIRING MINDS want to know.   That's when an issue occurs in the neighborhood that instead of panic, they ask for prayer.  That instead of fussing people are seen fellowshipping!  So the adventure begins now, no time to worry so let's put on the whole armor of GOD and ......LGLP

Thursday, July 19, 2012


So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. " Matthew 6:31-32

You know what's amazing?  No matter whether it's the shiny copper (once copper anyway) penny or a crisp $100 bill they all read in GOD we trust, but there was a  $10,00 bill that used to get printed until 1945 that no where on it was the words "IN GOD WE TRUST."  The featured pic was the U.S. Treasurer, Salmon P. Chase, which he was one of few printed pics on U.S. currency that wasn't a president.  I can't find WHY that motto didn't make it to the 10k bill, but what about you........at what denomination of worry does the switch get flipped and you no longer TRUST IN GOD?  Remember this week we've discovered folks are worried about "What's for lunch/dinner?   They are worried about what will the drink?   Even down to they are worried about their image, " How do I look in these_____________________?"  Instead of thinking about OTHERS?   That's right Jesus now really turns the corner and the attention on the fact that believers need not worry about ANY of those things because believers know that GOD is their provider an in Him do they trust.  Unbelievers on the other hand don't know of GOD, His promises, and therefore have every right to be worrying.   This is why JESUS got so upset with His disciples and called out their faith, worrying is a direct reflection of your level of faith, which it is either that of a mustard seed (the smallest, that can move mountains) or it's non-existent.  He doesn't ask us to have the faith of a whale or anything BIG, because He knows how our minds and emotions work...so HE simply asks us to have the faith the size of a mustard seed....just enough to get us not to worry.  Once you realize something is beyond your control YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY STOP WORRYING and flip the switch to FAITH IN GOD.

So as you prepare for your meeting, work, Dr. appointment, court hearing, to stop dodging the collector calls.......who will you be today?  Are you really a believer or you are an unbeliever, and how will those around you know...............GO (ye therefore) , SHOW (by baptizing them(in the WORD, in His Love, in water if they so choose), and TELL (by teaching them His commandments/statues) them....and sometimes use words if you have to.   Don't worry be happy!  LGLP  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?  Matthew 6:27

This is the way God put it: "They found grace out in the desert, these people who survived the killing.  Israel, out looking for a place to rest, met God out looking for them!"  God told them, "I've never quit loving you and never will. Expect love, love, and more love!  And so now I'll start over with you and build you up again, dear virgin Israel.  You'll resume your singing, grabbing tambourines and joining the dance.  You'll go back to your old work of planting vineyards on the Samaritan hillsides,  And sit back and enjoy the fruit— oh, how you'll enjoy those harvests! The time's coming when watchmen will call out from the hilltops of Ephraim: 'On your feet! Let's go to Zion, go to meet our God!'" Jer. 31:2-6

So yesterday we discovered that worrying is not even for the birds, let alone us.  But yet many of you....still do it.   WHY?   So Jesus continues....and asks the audience a questions can it (WORRYING) add a single moment to your life?  In other words does it CHANGE ANYTHING?  On one side of the coin, YES, it does...it causes anxieties, blood pressure changes, I've even watched people literally worry themselves sick...so it changes you physiologically as well as psychologically.   Now as it relates to the WHAT you are worried about...there are NO TESTIMONIES about " I worried about ______________ that it's now solved, fixed, or remedied.   If you are a parent you already know worrying about  your kids doesn't change them.....and prayer, really comforts you into GOD's will, but even it doesn't automatically change what it is that you are worried about. 

See Israel had been in enslaved, and released into the desert to MEET GOD.  But they were too busy worrying about WHAT THEY'D EAT, WHAT THEY'D DRINK, ETC, and it's funny how when we are GOING THROUGH how short our memories are of WHEN GOD SAVED US THE LAST TIME...so we begin panicking all over again and in JEREMIAH 31 GOD tells them.....STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN....I've never stop loving you (sounds like a Michael Jackson song)  and in the midst of whatever you are in I still love you (even though you GOT YOURSELF INTO IT) and I will continue to love you.   He ULTIMATELY reminds them of His promises and to GET UP on your feet and let's MOVE FORWARD TO MEET GOD.  

For many of you all you need to do is MOVE FORWARD.  You've been sitting in a place of hopelessness and despair and the joy you need is found in GOD, all you need to do is literally GET UP, GET A ROOM, CLOSE THE DOOR, and GOTO your FATHER.  I'm done!  I can't give you anymore instructions!  JESUS MADE IT SIMPLE for US to CAST ALL OF OUR CARES UPON HIM and leave worrying to UNBELIEVERS, so if you are worrying.....you are a _____________________ (HE said it!!!!!).  Ok, I'm done for real.....LOVE GOD, LOVE PEOPLE!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Matthew 6:26

Yesterday it was made apparent that worrying is an act of selfishness, and JESUS being wise tries to get the crowds attention off of themselves to focus on something else, birds.   How many times have you gotten  up in the morning and had to shooo the birds away from your trash cans?  Or, when was the last time you were attacked by a flock of birds as you and your family left the restaurant or the drive thru with your food?  Maybe you are a bird watcher......have you seen any birds with signs tied around their necks saying "Will Work or Fly For Food?"  Ok I know these are silly examples......howabout this one...ever seen a free bird losing it's feathers because of depression due to worrying?

OF COURSE NOT, I mean really?!?!  Ever heard the expression "Bird brain?"  While that may seem ridiculous, the truth is that even with their small brain, THEY GET IT!  DON'T WORRY, no need to the FATHER, the creator of all will take care of them.  I know there is a craze called " ANGRY BIRDS" but really......I awake to hearing BIRDS SINGING.....why"  BECAUSE THEY KNOW...THEY SING OF HIS GLORY!   Yesterday in VBS we encourage the kids to learn the Bible verse Is. 44:24 where it reminds them that GOD is the CREATOR OF ALL, and JESUS wants us to know that HE loves us, and while He created everything we are HIS CROWNING JEWEL.  If you look at the birds and see how well they are provided for, how can you even fathom that He doesn't care more about you.  We are His children, His image bearers.   We are entrusted with the task for showing people, the WORLD his kind of love.

God wants you to stop WORRYING!  He's aware of what it is you are going through.  He's also aware that worrying, is slowly killing you.  It's not changing what it is you're worried about, but it is affecting your sleep, your health, and your overall quality of life(for the worse), so........simply put STOP WORRYING, STUDY THE BIRDS instead, and CAST ALL YOUR CARES (WORRIES) ON HIM for He CARES for YOU (1Peter 5:7).   WORRYING IS NOT EVEN FOR THE BIRDS, let alone for us either!  LGLP

Monday, July 16, 2012


That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Matthew 6:25

Bobby McFerrin, wrote many songs, but one in particular that he's probably best known for is " Don't Worry Be Happy."   This 80's tune was very catchy and one couldn't help but find themselves singing or whistling this when it was being played.   This is a song I believe JESUS would've wanted to underscore this portion of the Sermon on the Mount, because He could look out into the audience, and while Pastors can't really discern the hearts of their congregants, and see that people were not just disconnected from the message, but why they were. 

I'm pretty sure whatever it was that had them worried, that skewed their focus was no more than everyday life.  You, we, me are no different.  We can all attest to worrying about (and allowing our minds to drift during the morning message) what are we gonna have for lunch/dinner?   No wonder we've left worship services feeling unfed spiritually......because our minds were stuck in carnal thinking that we didn't hear or catch the encouragement key needed to live our lives fuller.   Or what about sitting through services focusing on "How do I look in this dress, Is my fly down, I knew I shouldn't have put this on...." or even worse we allow our minds to become too consume with what others are wearing.  Notice how worrying is selfish, because it's all about you.

He (Jesus) reins in our minds by saying isn't life more than food and your body more than clothing? In essence, let's focus on what really matters.   Remember the word says " I've NEVER seen the righteous forsaken (forgotten about) or their seed (children) begging for bread" (Psalms 37:25) so as for us, the household of faith we need only concern ourselves with whether others have food, drink, or clothing and how can we in our abundance bless them.   Christ didn't have an Earthly address or a kitchen, but He provided shelter and food for thousands.   I'm not asking you to, nor is Christ telling you to give up your homes/cars/etc, but He is looking for you to use His blessings upon your life, to bless other so stop worrying, be happy.  LGLP

Friday, July 13, 2012


After this, the armies of the Moabites, Ammonites, and some of the Meunites declared war on Jehoshaphat. Messengers came and told Jehoshaphat, “A vast army from Edom is marching against you from beyond the Dead Sea. They are already at Hazazon-tamar.” (This was another name for En-gedi.)  Jehoshaphat was terrified by this news and begged the Lord for guidance. He also ordered everyone in Judah to begin fasting. So people from all the towns of Judah came to Jerusalem to seek the Lord’s help.  (2 Chronicles 20:1-4)

Where are you right now?  I'm serious......WHERE ARE YOU?  Where are you in regards to your relationship with GOD and others?  Where are you in your walk?  Where are you in regards to your health?  Is everything is AS it SHOULD BE or are there some things that are like COMPLETELY out of control?  NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!  There is a war going on!  There are forces waring for your attention, for your life, your very soul.....and this didn't just start...it started the minute you were conceived!!!! Yes it's been going on, all this time.....the question RIGHT NOW IS what are you going to do about it?   Jehoshaphat had to be informed by messengers that a vast Army (many of the ITES (AmmmonnITES, MoabITES, MeunITES) had declared war against him and his people and were on their way!  So what did Jehoshaphat do?????   Went straight to GOD!  Begged for guidance and called a fast among his people!

So I ask again, WHERE ARE YOU?  Struggling with an addiction?  Struggling with unhealthy behaviors?  In a war possibly?  (The Bible says we are in spiritual warfare...and that flesh and blood is not the enemy (Ephesians 6) so stop waring against your co-worker, your spouse, your neighbors THEY ARE NOT THE ENEMY, he may be attempting to use them as a body shield...STOP SHOOTING @ THEM)  Try following the lead of JESUS & Jehoshaphat when they were entering war they WENT to GOD for direction, and FASTED.

So as you prepare to to face the day.....be lead by the Spirit of GOD on how to face your days challenges...and while doing so...LGLP (Love God, and Love People(all people)  

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Joel 1:14-15 (NLT), 2:12(MSG)

Announce a time of fasting; call the people together for a solemn meeting.  Bring the leaders and all the people of the land into the Temple of the Lord your God, and cry out to him there.  The day of the Lord is near, the day when destruction comes from the Almighty.How terrible that day will be!  12 But there's also this, it's not too late—  God's personal Message!—
"Come back to me and really mean it!  Come fasting and weeping, sorry for your sins!"

Have you ever HAD to talk to a surgeon regarding your health or that of a family member?  You don't just normally have to have a conversation with them, but it usually is a dire situation where a decision is necessary that is really a matter of life or death....or maybe even a matter of quality of life.   Whatever it is, it's those moments that we are stretched in our faith because it will require us to do something that maybe we aren't accustomed to doing.  

God through Jeremiah instructed the people they needed to fast, because what was up ahead if they didn't was destruction.  And not just BECAUSE THE DAY OF THE LORD WAS up ahead, but because  they needed to repent and come back to living in a way that was pleasing to God.  Just like having to talk with the DR. or surgeon is because we are SERIOUS about (Prayer: Communication) whatever it is we are in need of  and secondly because WE DESIRE A RIGHT RELATIONSHIP (with GOD/THE GREAT PHYSICIAN).  The Dr. or Surgeon will always instruct you things you must do prior to surgery, the removal of whatever it is that is complicating your health; which tends to call for a period of fasting.  While many of us don't fast with any regularity this is a challenge to stop eating at 7/8p not knowing when the next day we will get to eat...but amazingly that doesn't matter because we desire to be operated on and that the surgeon would be pleased with our obedience, and remove what it is that ails us.


What about you?  What about today?  Are you really serious about wanting to stop_______________________(smoking, drinking, porn, lying, anger, etc) if so maybe it's time you GET SO SERIOUS that you'd CALL A FAST and meet with the GREAT PHYSICIAN, and trust that in his hands He will bless your efforts.....?  Now before you assume this is like a genie in a bottle....it isn't.  After your period of fasting & prayer you still (like even after a physical surgery) may have to deal with some issues that will require your faithfulness into a good healthy: life, relationship with others, and most importantly the LORD.  LGLP 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The Lord of Heaven’s Armies sent me this message in reply: “Say to all your people and your priests, ‘During these seventy years of exile, when you fasted and mourned in the summer and in early autumn,[a] was it really for me that you were fasting? And even now in your holy festivals, aren’t you eating and drinking just to please yourselves? (ZECH. 7:4-6)

So all week we've talked about how and how not to fast, but let's turn our focuses towards the motivation for fasting.  If we are honest many of us aren't motivated to fast.  We don't know what will happen when we fast, or just so used to OUR SCHEDULES that we don't want anyone messing with our TV time, or daily meals, or game times.   However if we remember Jesus did promise that when we do fast, there is a reward involved where we reap the benefits of a deepened relationship with the Father.

In today's scripture you see where a group of people were fasting, but the reasons why they were ......was simply for themselves.  Not just their fasting but their partying too......it wasn't to glorify, or draw closer to God, but rather to puff & celebrate themselves.   So the first reason we should fast 1) to Help Us Pursue God.   WE NEED HELP.......say it with me " I NEED HELP" we all do pursuing God.  We like trains....can accumulate a load of things, and get to moving so fast, that something small in our path can derail us and send us off on a course of destruction.  I believe many of need to check to see.....where are we going with what we are doing.  For many of us from the time we get up we are pursuing something.  You maybe pursuing better health so you diligently work out.   You maybe pursuing success so school or work are what gets you out of bed every morning.   Whatever it is.....is it ever GOD?  God asked Zechariah to ask them " Was it for Me?"

To sum it up Colossians 3:22-23:  Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything you do. Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. Serve them sincerely because of your reverent fear of the Lord. 23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

So while many of you have talked about how THEY treat you at work, GOD's word says OBEY THEM, TRY TO PLEASE THEM, and SERVE THEM. (notice it doesn't say talk about them, try to deceive them.......) But not just them, but this is good for realigning all of your doings, to point to GOD.   So WHY FAST, because we need to put our life our motivations for our doings back on TRACK so that we are ultimately living a life that is purposed in pursuing loving GOD, and His blessing upon our life.   LGLP

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


 But when you fast, put oil on your head, and wash your face, so that you don’t show your fasting to people but to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.  Matthew 6:17-18

Jesus had just told them how the hypocrites do it.  (In the back of my mind....a song by Montell Jordan is playing " This is How We Doit...") But seriously....there is a right way, and a wrong way to fasting and Jesus wanted His audience to understand that.  THEY did it to be noticed.  THEY did it so that people would praise them, not God.   THEY did it so that people would look at them feel sorry for them, and say: " look at their sacrifice, their strength, their.....etc."   But JESUS says...." But when you fast......."
1) Put Oil on your head and Wash your face...why....simply to keep your fasting a secret  between you and God.   Ladies you know as well as I do...if you don't put your make up on, or wash your face you may bring more attention to yourself than when you do apply your make up.   The bottom line is, fasting is something to be done in secret and for the purpose of drawing away from what is distracting you, and drawing nearer to the Lord.  

Jesus says for when we don't allow people to see what it is we are doing, and why we are doing it, it reveals our truest heart and desire to share something with ONLY the Father.  He then says by our motive and faithfulness to Our Father he will then reward you.  

Driving home from growth group (small group) my kids Rajime (14) and Tre (9) were in a discussion in the back seat about what they wanted to fast from.   It went from fasting from soft drinks, and one night of video games to the possibilities of fasting from texting friends to journaling with God, to abstaining from video games for weeks.    We then talked about why they desired to do this.....and then the conversation rested.   I don't know what all goes on in the mind and heart of my children, but GOD does, and if they (unprompted) remember the Sunday's KEY POINT of the message and decide on Monday that they want to really dig into DOING SOMETHING, to GOD BE THE GLORY.   Because they will do their best to keep it a secret...I may not know totally the start and end dates but it doesn't matter.......I'm certain GOD is pleased that at their ages....they will even consider going in their rooms, closing their doors, praying and fasting with Him.  

I do know this, ONLY GREAT THINGS can come of this.  I pray you follow the Spirit's leading as He desires you too would carve out time to suffer your soul for the sake of deepening your relationship with the FATHER and prying you away from the claws & draws of modern culture.  I pray your success in CHRIST as you face the day.  LGLP

Monday, July 9, 2012


WHEN you fast, do not look sullen like the hypocrites, for they make their faces unattractive so that people will them fasting.I tell you the truth, they have their reward.  Matthew 6:16

Have you ever seen someone that looked like they were fasting?  If so, then they were totally going about it this the wrong way.  Jesus needed to confront the issue of doing things for people praise vs. the point of honoring and getting more of God.  

They hypocrites point of fasting was so that others would see their good & righteous deeds and glorify them.  So they would dress a certain way, look a certain way so that it would be apparent to society that " hey we are fasting ..."so society in turn would say "oh wow, they are so HOLY,/RIGHTEOUS."   Jesus then says for that.....they have their reward.   But, what about you.....do you fast?  That's why I phrased it as a question because Jesus made it a statement.  He didn't say if you fast, He said when you fast, so that you the reader, you the disciple/the follower of Christ would know......fasting IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD BE DOING.  So I ask again....Do you fast, and if so are you careful to make sure this is between you and GOD?  I hope so, because fasting is always for your benefit, and so it's important that in order for you to get the best out of it, you at least need to make sure the purposes for doing it....will please the Father otherwise the praise you may be seeking of people will be cheap, empty, and fleeting.

SO WHAT IS IT????  What is it that you need to fast from?  What takes up a lot of  your time, your thought life, etc?  What is it that you wake up or go to bed craving?  My hope is that you be real with yourself and spend sometime today thinking about what it is....and then praying to GOD for direction, so that WHEN YOU FAST, it honors Him, and blesses you. 


Friday, July 6, 2012

SOLID COMMUNICATION: Keep the Conversation Going

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.  Matthew 7:7-8

As we end this week talking about communication, we need not stop the communication.  I remember as a kid wanting a big wheel.  For those of you born after the mid 80's you have no idea what I'm talking about it.   It was like a tricycle, with BIG WHEELS.  It rode low to the ground and the one I wanted was the Incredible Hulk.  It was green, with purple wheels and had this speaker on it that when you pressed it would roar like the Incredible Hulk would.  We had just moved out of our home with our father, and we were now living with my grandparents.   I knew my mom was our provider, and things were about to get rough, but that didn't stop me from making out my Christmas list.   Nor did it stop me from at least letting my mom know what it was I wanted, frequently.  That Christmas, I got my Incredible Hulk Big Wheel......

Jesus encourages us to come to and talk to the Father for our hearts desires.  He first tells us to simply ASK.  Children don't have a problem with this....before they learn the words they cry out, reach out for, they point out, however they need to communicate to us they let it be known what it is they are desiring.  As adults I sometimes wonder what is it that has made us almost afraid to ask?  Is it the fear of rejection?  Often times  my parents knew what it is was I wanted, but they also wanted me to say it.  GOD being omnipotent knows what you want, but He too wants to hear you say it, He delights in hearing from us, and while He may not give us EVERYTHING WE ASK FOR (somebody ought to say THANK GOD) what HE gives us is always the BEST!  Secondly, we are to keep seeking.  Like hunting for a house, a job, a spouse (men are to be looking...remember if a man finds a wife)  or a car, if you are smart you don't settle, but rather try to get really what you want.  Lastly, knock.   I don't care if it's asking for directions, running down a hallway in a scary movie knocking on doors, selling girl scout cookies, going on interviews.....etc it involves being persistent.   It's the pounding on the door that's saying " let me in because my life depends on it."  

God isn't annoyed by your asking, He's honored because you are coming to your Heavenly Father for what it is you are desiring.  We are encouraged to pray without ceasing, and so HE wants the conversation to continue, beit you are asking for yourself, for your kids, your co-workers, whoever......He wants you to continue the conversation.   My earnest prayer is that you continue going into the room, closing the door, praying effectually and trusting that Your Father will give you always the BEST OF THINGS, and HE always have.  Thank you Lord!  LGLP   

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Pray then like this:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
10  Your kingdom come,
your will be done,
     on earth as it is in heaven.
11  Give us this day our daily bread,
12 and forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.
14  For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, 15  but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespassesMatthew 6:6-15

Prayer had become so polluted with human implemented methods, that Jesus wanted to people to get a room, close the door, and just be able to talk to the Father.  Remember that's what it's all about, that you would not be yoked with what other people thought or attempting to impress people, but rather here's a template to "How To Pray."

First we need to ask ourselves are we a child of God?  Because if you don't see yourself as a child of God, how can you refer to Him as your Father.  It's a kid in the neighborhood that you don't know calling you mom or dad.  It doesn't quite compute.   So it helps to submit to GOD, and view Him correctly as your Father.  Second (PERSPECTIVE)not just any father, but your Heavenly Father.   and how you view Him will determine how you approach and listen to Him.  You are on Earth and your perspective on your life, and the situations you become entangled in are limited.  But God, Your Father is in Heaven and being omnipotent sees and knows the beginning, middle, and the end...so you recognize He knows best.   Next we realize that Jesus isn't our homeboy, but rather He's Holy...and we need to approach Him with respect.  Also we pray GOD's PURPOSE "His Kingdom come....on Earth as it is in heaven", which in essence is that we want Kingdom principles, God's will to be made manifest on Earth, and the only way that will truly happen is that you allow GOD to use you to bring them in your marriage, on the job, in your community by you acting out His will in all of your relationships.   We pray for PROVISION, but rember this isn't just about you....which is why it's stated GIVE US THIS DAY.....you are thankful for not just you...but others and that this day would serve as nutrition and you'd VIEW IT THAT WAY (every blessing & challenging opportunity).  Next we ask for His PROTECTION because we are in a Spiritual War and there is a fight for our soul, and temptations are the constantly around us to derail our every Holy efforts. Lastly, we ask for PARDON (Forgiveness of our debts...as we forgive...) When we go to pray, we aren't devoid of sin...we've thought, said, and or did something that we need forgiveness, as well as demonstrate forgiveness towards others. 

My Ultimate Prayer this week is that you find yourself praying to your Father, not just in your car, or in your cubicle, but rather you'd find room, close the door, and just talk to the Father, even if it's with the family dog.   Be Blessed....LOVE GOD, & LOVE PEOPLE (LGLP)!