Friday, July 6, 2012

SOLID COMMUNICATION: Keep the Conversation Going

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.  Matthew 7:7-8

As we end this week talking about communication, we need not stop the communication.  I remember as a kid wanting a big wheel.  For those of you born after the mid 80's you have no idea what I'm talking about it.   It was like a tricycle, with BIG WHEELS.  It rode low to the ground and the one I wanted was the Incredible Hulk.  It was green, with purple wheels and had this speaker on it that when you pressed it would roar like the Incredible Hulk would.  We had just moved out of our home with our father, and we were now living with my grandparents.   I knew my mom was our provider, and things were about to get rough, but that didn't stop me from making out my Christmas list.   Nor did it stop me from at least letting my mom know what it was I wanted, frequently.  That Christmas, I got my Incredible Hulk Big Wheel......

Jesus encourages us to come to and talk to the Father for our hearts desires.  He first tells us to simply ASK.  Children don't have a problem with this....before they learn the words they cry out, reach out for, they point out, however they need to communicate to us they let it be known what it is they are desiring.  As adults I sometimes wonder what is it that has made us almost afraid to ask?  Is it the fear of rejection?  Often times  my parents knew what it is was I wanted, but they also wanted me to say it.  GOD being omnipotent knows what you want, but He too wants to hear you say it, He delights in hearing from us, and while He may not give us EVERYTHING WE ASK FOR (somebody ought to say THANK GOD) what HE gives us is always the BEST!  Secondly, we are to keep seeking.  Like hunting for a house, a job, a spouse (men are to be looking...remember if a man finds a wife)  or a car, if you are smart you don't settle, but rather try to get really what you want.  Lastly, knock.   I don't care if it's asking for directions, running down a hallway in a scary movie knocking on doors, selling girl scout cookies, going on interviews.....etc it involves being persistent.   It's the pounding on the door that's saying " let me in because my life depends on it."  

God isn't annoyed by your asking, He's honored because you are coming to your Heavenly Father for what it is you are desiring.  We are encouraged to pray without ceasing, and so HE wants the conversation to continue, beit you are asking for yourself, for your kids, your co-workers, whoever......He wants you to continue the conversation.   My earnest prayer is that you continue going into the room, closing the door, praying effectually and trusting that Your Father will give you always the BEST OF THINGS, and HE always have.  Thank you Lord!  LGLP   

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