Thursday, July 26, 2012


My dearly loved brothers, understand this: Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger, 20 for man’s anger does not accomplish God’s righteousness. 21 Therefore, ridding yourselves of all moral filth and evil,[a] humbly receive the implanted word, which is able to save you.  (James 1:19-21 HCSB)

Let's just admit it: WE ARE QUICK TO JUDGE!  Say it with me....I, _________________ am quick, sometimes even TOO QUICK to judge.  You know, when you really stop to think about it, it begs the question WHY ARE YOU QUICK TO JUDGE?    What is it about other people's styles and preferences that gets you fired up?  To the extent that you don't gravitate to " let me get to know you" vs "I've seen this kind/type before," attitude?

I mean when was the last time your criticism or judgement of another person made them you friend?  Or that they said to you "thank you for judging me without knowing me."  Chances are none of this happened.   See the reason why we need to be quick to hear, is so we can learn their story.  Come to understand the logic behind why they voted as they did, or why they wear what they wear, or why they come in late every Sunday.   See James even tell us that our anger....(when we let our distaste lead us down this unfortunate path without all the intel needed to make an emotional decision) doesn't lead to righteousness, so while you may feel TOTALLY JUSTIFIED, God is saying you ARE NOT!  So what do we do......James answers that by saying rid yourself of your own moral filth.

2Chronicles 7:14 encourages us to humble ourselves, pray, seek HIS face, turn from our wicked ways.." and GOD WILL let's be quick to do these things.

So my prayer today is that you leave your house with fresh eyes.  Fresh eyes to see people as God sees them.  That you have compassion on the person that cuts you off today and resort to praying that they arrive wherever they are going safely.   That you will see the value in your co-workers instead of your view of their incompetency.   That you'd develop a heart for the homeless and actually think of one of them that you pass everyday and buy them a lunch, or offer them something cold to drink.  Ultimately that you'd be QUICK TO LOVE/SHOW COMPASSION instead of being quick to judge/condemn.   LGLP

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