This is how silly we can look when we have something in our eye, but yet trying to speak to the fault we find in someone else's. Jesus is again in trying to paint this picture of why judging with the heart of condemnation and punishment is not the way to go, simply because we aren't in the position to do so when we ourselves have issues to deal with. So here's my question: are you deceived to thinking because of where you are (whatever your financial status, how many degrees you have, etc) think that you have obtained enough____________________to be judgmental of others? Remember Paul cautioned us specifically about this when he said in Galatians 6:3-5 in regards to if we think we are something when we are nothing, we are deceiving ourselves....we should test our actions by our OWN actions.... In other words....STOP COMPARING yourselves to one another. It's ridiculous. Instead of comparing yourself to the person in the pew across from you, ask yourself are you any further today than you were last year. THAT's the REAL COMPARISON is when you compare yourself to yourself. Instead spending your day looking out of the window finding fault in the neighbors and the neighborhood....spend some time in the mirror doing some self improving of you.

So today, stop by a mirror or two, or three to remove the logs your may have in your eye, so that as you remove those, you may see clearer that the technique JESUS wanted you to have when dealing with your husband, your friends, your teachers, your co-workers, your wife, your children was to work on your issues first, so that you could see that what they need is not judgment, but rather compassion & love. It all comes back to LGLP!
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