Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? Matthew 6:26

Yesterday it was made apparent that worrying is an act of selfishness, and JESUS being wise tries to get the crowds attention off of themselves to focus on something else, birds.   How many times have you gotten  up in the morning and had to shooo the birds away from your trash cans?  Or, when was the last time you were attacked by a flock of birds as you and your family left the restaurant or the drive thru with your food?  Maybe you are a bird watcher......have you seen any birds with signs tied around their necks saying "Will Work or Fly For Food?"  Ok I know these are silly examples......howabout this one...ever seen a free bird losing it's feathers because of depression due to worrying?

OF COURSE NOT, I mean really?!?!  Ever heard the expression "Bird brain?"  While that may seem ridiculous, the truth is that even with their small brain, THEY GET IT!  DON'T WORRY, no need to the FATHER, the creator of all will take care of them.  I know there is a craze called " ANGRY BIRDS" but really......I awake to hearing BIRDS SINGING.....why"  BECAUSE THEY KNOW...THEY SING OF HIS GLORY!   Yesterday in VBS we encourage the kids to learn the Bible verse Is. 44:24 where it reminds them that GOD is the CREATOR OF ALL, and JESUS wants us to know that HE loves us, and while He created everything we are HIS CROWNING JEWEL.  If you look at the birds and see how well they are provided for, how can you even fathom that He doesn't care more about you.  We are His children, His image bearers.   We are entrusted with the task for showing people, the WORLD his kind of love.

God wants you to stop WORRYING!  He's aware of what it is you are going through.  He's also aware that worrying, is slowly killing you.  It's not changing what it is you're worried about, but it is affecting your sleep, your health, and your overall quality of life(for the worse), so........simply put STOP WORRYING, STUDY THE BIRDS instead, and CAST ALL YOUR CARES (WORRIES) ON HIM for He CARES for YOU (1Peter 5:7).   WORRYING IS NOT EVEN FOR THE BIRDS, let alone for us either!  LGLP

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