Monday, July 9, 2012


WHEN you fast, do not look sullen like the hypocrites, for they make their faces unattractive so that people will them fasting.I tell you the truth, they have their reward.  Matthew 6:16

Have you ever seen someone that looked like they were fasting?  If so, then they were totally going about it this the wrong way.  Jesus needed to confront the issue of doing things for people praise vs. the point of honoring and getting more of God.  

They hypocrites point of fasting was so that others would see their good & righteous deeds and glorify them.  So they would dress a certain way, look a certain way so that it would be apparent to society that " hey we are fasting ..."so society in turn would say "oh wow, they are so HOLY,/RIGHTEOUS."   Jesus then says for that.....they have their reward.   But, what about you fast?  That's why I phrased it as a question because Jesus made it a statement.  He didn't say if you fast, He said when you fast, so that you the reader, you the disciple/the follower of Christ would know......fasting IS SOMETHING YOU SHOULD BE DOING.  So I ask again....Do you fast, and if so are you careful to make sure this is between you and GOD?  I hope so, because fasting is always for your benefit, and so it's important that in order for you to get the best out of it, you at least need to make sure the purposes for doing it....will please the Father otherwise the praise you may be seeking of people will be cheap, empty, and fleeting.

SO WHAT IS IT????  What is it that you need to fast from?  What takes up a lot of  your time, your thought life, etc?  What is it that you wake up or go to bed craving?  My hope is that you be real with yourself and spend sometime today thinking about what it is....and then praying to GOD for direction, so that WHEN YOU FAST, it honors Him, and blesses you. 


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