Thursday, July 19, 2012


So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. " Matthew 6:31-32

You know what's amazing?  No matter whether it's the shiny copper (once copper anyway) penny or a crisp $100 bill they all read in GOD we trust, but there was a  $10,00 bill that used to get printed until 1945 that no where on it was the words "IN GOD WE TRUST."  The featured pic was the U.S. Treasurer, Salmon P. Chase, which he was one of few printed pics on U.S. currency that wasn't a president.  I can't find WHY that motto didn't make it to the 10k bill, but what about what denomination of worry does the switch get flipped and you no longer TRUST IN GOD?  Remember this week we've discovered folks are worried about "What's for lunch/dinner?   They are worried about what will the drink?   Even down to they are worried about their image, " How do I look in these_____________________?"  Instead of thinking about OTHERS?   That's right Jesus now really turns the corner and the attention on the fact that believers need not worry about ANY of those things because believers know that GOD is their provider an in Him do they trust.  Unbelievers on the other hand don't know of GOD, His promises, and therefore have every right to be worrying.   This is why JESUS got so upset with His disciples and called out their faith, worrying is a direct reflection of your level of faith, which it is either that of a mustard seed (the smallest, that can move mountains) or it's non-existent.  He doesn't ask us to have the faith of a whale or anything BIG, because He knows how our minds and emotions HE simply asks us to have the faith the size of a mustard seed....just enough to get us not to worry.  Once you realize something is beyond your control YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY STOP WORRYING and flip the switch to FAITH IN GOD.

So as you prepare for your meeting, work, Dr. appointment, court hearing, to stop dodging the collector calls.......who will you be today?  Are you really a believer or you are an unbeliever, and how will those around you know...............GO (ye therefore) , SHOW (by baptizing them(in the WORD, in His Love, in water if they so choose), and TELL (by teaching them His commandments/statues) them....and sometimes use words if you have to.   Don't worry be happy!  LGLP  

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