Friday, July 20, 2012


Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.  (Matthew 6:33-34)

So JESUS says the cure to our worrying is to seek, to aggressively look forward, to turn our focuses to: HIS KINGDOM.  I know some of you are asking so are we suppose to grab us a Baggins and take off on the adventure to Mordor, Tirith or Middle Earth.  No, no need to find a Baggins but you should be looking forward ways to introduce people to the LOVE of GOD through your actions today.   This is righteous living to live AT PEACE with all people, even those that maybe ignorant towards you.  You as well as I know when and if we treat mean spirited people with love and compassion, it wrecks their day, in a good way.   IT'S FRIDAY so instead seeking to do ______________________ why not pause and before you go hop in the shower, or have your cup of coffee, ask GOD how can I bless you today with my life?  How can I bring a little of heaven to my marriage, my relationship with others, my co-workers, my community....GOD it's your will & kingdom ways I'm seeking today!

It's when we SURRENDER OUR WORRIES to His throne, and seek to actually create or simulate HIS KINGDOM COME, and THY WILL BEING DONE on the job, in our marriage, in our neighborhoods that you will actively see the fruits of your labor, and that you see the importance of showing yourself friendly yields a community that looks out for one another.   Like Zacchaeus people that knew you as being a selfish tax collecting crook, see how generous & joy-filled you've become and you know us ENQUIRING MINDS want to know.   That's when an issue occurs in the neighborhood that instead of panic, they ask for prayer.  That instead of fussing people are seen fellowshipping!  So the adventure begins now, no time to worry so let's put on the whole armor of GOD and ......LGLP

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