Tuesday, July 10, 2012


 But when you fast, put oil on your head, and wash your face, so that you don’t show your fasting to people but to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.  Matthew 6:17-18

Jesus had just told them how the hypocrites do it.  (In the back of my mind....a song by Montell Jordan is playing " This is How We Doit...") But seriously....there is a right way, and a wrong way to fasting and Jesus wanted His audience to understand that.  THEY did it to be noticed.  THEY did it so that people would praise them, not God.   THEY did it so that people would look at them feel sorry for them, and say: " look at their sacrifice, their strength, their.....etc."   But JESUS says...." But when you fast......."
1) Put Oil on your head and Wash your face...why....simply to keep your fasting a secret  between you and God.   Ladies you know as well as I do...if you don't put your make up on, or wash your face you may bring more attention to yourself than when you do apply your make up.   The bottom line is, fasting is something to be done in secret and for the purpose of drawing away from what is distracting you, and drawing nearer to the Lord.  

Jesus says for when we don't allow people to see what it is we are doing, and why we are doing it, it reveals our truest heart and desire to share something with ONLY the Father.  He then says by our motive and faithfulness to Our Father he will then reward you.  

Driving home from growth group (small group) my kids Rajime (14) and Tre (9) were in a discussion in the back seat about what they wanted to fast from.   It went from fasting from soft drinks, and one night of video games to the possibilities of fasting from texting friends to journaling with God, to abstaining from video games for weeks.    We then talked about why they desired to do this.....and then the conversation rested.   I don't know what all goes on in the mind and heart of my children, but GOD does, and if they (unprompted) remember the Sunday's KEY POINT of the message and decide on Monday that they want to really dig into DOING SOMETHING, to GOD BE THE GLORY.   Because they will do their best to keep it a secret...I may not know totally the start and end dates but it doesn't matter.......I'm certain GOD is pleased that at their ages....they will even consider going in their rooms, closing their doors, praying and fasting with Him.  

I do know this, ONLY GREAT THINGS can come of this.  I pray you follow the Spirit's leading as He desires you too would carve out time to suffer your soul for the sake of deepening your relationship with the FATHER and prying you away from the claws & draws of modern culture.  I pray your success in CHRIST as you face the day.  LGLP

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