Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The Lord of Heaven’s Armies sent me this message in reply: “Say to all your people and your priests, ‘During these seventy years of exile, when you fasted and mourned in the summer and in early autumn,[a] was it really for me that you were fasting? And even now in your holy festivals, aren’t you eating and drinking just to please yourselves? (ZECH. 7:4-6)

So all week we've talked about how and how not to fast, but let's turn our focuses towards the motivation for fasting.  If we are honest many of us aren't motivated to fast.  We don't know what will happen when we fast, or just so used to OUR SCHEDULES that we don't want anyone messing with our TV time, or daily meals, or game times.   However if we remember Jesus did promise that when we do fast, there is a reward involved where we reap the benefits of a deepened relationship with the Father.

In today's scripture you see where a group of people were fasting, but the reasons why they were ......was simply for themselves.  Not just their fasting but their partying wasn't to glorify, or draw closer to God, but rather to puff & celebrate themselves.   So the first reason we should fast 1) to Help Us Pursue God.   WE NEED HELP.......say it with me " I NEED HELP" we all do pursuing God.  We like trains....can accumulate a load of things, and get to moving so fast, that something small in our path can derail us and send us off on a course of destruction.  I believe many of need to check to see.....where are we going with what we are doing.  For many of us from the time we get up we are pursuing something.  You maybe pursuing better health so you diligently work out.   You maybe pursuing success so school or work are what gets you out of bed every morning.   Whatever it it ever GOD?  God asked Zechariah to ask them " Was it for Me?"

To sum it up Colossians 3:22-23:  Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything you do. Try to please them all the time, not just when they are watching you. Serve them sincerely because of your reverent fear of the Lord. 23 Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

So while many of you have talked about how THEY treat you at work, GOD's word says OBEY THEM, TRY TO PLEASE THEM, and SERVE THEM. (notice it doesn't say talk about them, try to deceive them.......) But not just them, but this is good for realigning all of your doings, to point to GOD.   So WHY FAST, because we need to put our life our motivations for our doings back on TRACK so that we are ultimately living a life that is purposed in pursuing loving GOD, and His blessing upon our life.   LGLP

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