Where are you right now? I'm serious......WHERE ARE YOU? Where are you in regards to your relationship with GOD and others? Where are you in your walk? Where are you in regards to your health? Is everything is AS it SHOULD BE or are there some things that are like COMPLETELY out of control? NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!! There is a war going on! There are forces waring for your attention, for your life, your very soul.....and this didn't just start...it started the minute you were conceived!!!! Yes it's been going on, all this time.....the question RIGHT NOW IS what are you going to do about it? Jehoshaphat had to be informed by messengers that a vast Army (many of the ITES (AmmmonnITES, MoabITES, MeunITES) had declared war against him and his people and were on their way! So what did Jehoshaphat do????? Went straight to GOD! Begged for guidance and called a fast among his people!
So as you prepare to to face the day.....be lead by the Spirit of GOD on how to face your days challenges...and while doing so...LGLP (Love God, and Love People(all people)
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