Monday, July 30, 2012


You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell[a] is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. 14 But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.  Matthew 7:13-14

Uhm.....can you repeat that many entry points are there into heaven?   THE NARROW GATE, that sounds like just one entry point.  Notice it doesn't say the narrow gates, plural?  And keeping consistent with His character from the beginning of creation GOD gives us choices so just as their is a gate for heaven, He informs us their is an alternative selection where the gate & pathway to it is wide which is referred to  and is HELL.

There is one thing we have never been without in life, and that has been consistent since Adam & Eve, through the coming of Christ, and since his ascension; and that is a choice.  SO many people wrestle with " How can a "loving" God  condemn, or send His children to such a place as hell," and the simple answer to that is HE doesn't.   See you, me, WE are all on a path that leads to somewhere.    When  you wake up in the morning you either plan your course towards His desires for the day (how you treat, and respond to others) or you plot your course to that of selfishness (where it is all about you).   Notice again there is a choice to be selfless or selfish.    Now JESUS is so good to us, that HE informs us the narrow gateway to life is difficult and few ever find it:  STOP?   FEW ever find it?  Really?  How can I be sure I'll find it?  Simply put remember this is a road where selfishness can't exist, this is the road of selflessness....and there is a culture of HAVE IT YOUR WAY, YOU DESERVE A BREAK TO DAY, WHATEVER HAPPENS IN VEGAS......ETC where we promote and endorse selfishness.  This is why they're orphanages.  This is why there are starving people in AMERICA as well as AFRICA.  The narrow road will present you with challenges that mean you are constantly being conformed to the image of Christ, where the ultimate goal is that you love as He loved (others) and served as He served (others) to the extent His life was a sacrifice.

So what path are you on?  Who are you sacrificing your life for.....or you simply aren't and it's all about you?  This path (whichever you on) requires you to INTENTIONALLY choose it everyday, because like anything we have the ability to wander off, get distracted and make wrong turn.   I pray today you find the narrow path, and plot your course according to it's terrain, and trust JESUS to comfort you during the journey.  Remember you life is for His Glory, that later you maybe to share in that same GLORY!  LGLP (seriously love them)

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