Thursday, July 12, 2012


Joel 1:14-15 (NLT), 2:12(MSG)

Announce a time of fasting; call the people together for a solemn meeting.  Bring the leaders and all the people of the land into the Temple of the Lord your God, and cry out to him there.  The day of the Lord is near, the day when destruction comes from the Almighty.How terrible that day will be!  12 But there's also this, it's not too late—  God's personal Message!—
"Come back to me and really mean it!  Come fasting and weeping, sorry for your sins!"

Have you ever HAD to talk to a surgeon regarding your health or that of a family member?  You don't just normally have to have a conversation with them, but it usually is a dire situation where a decision is necessary that is really a matter of life or death....or maybe even a matter of quality of life.   Whatever it is, it's those moments that we are stretched in our faith because it will require us to do something that maybe we aren't accustomed to doing.  

God through Jeremiah instructed the people they needed to fast, because what was up ahead if they didn't was destruction.  And not just BECAUSE THE DAY OF THE LORD WAS up ahead, but because  they needed to repent and come back to living in a way that was pleasing to God.  Just like having to talk with the DR. or surgeon is because we are SERIOUS about (Prayer: Communication) whatever it is we are in need of  and secondly because WE DESIRE A RIGHT RELATIONSHIP (with GOD/THE GREAT PHYSICIAN).  The Dr. or Surgeon will always instruct you things you must do prior to surgery, the removal of whatever it is that is complicating your health; which tends to call for a period of fasting.  While many of us don't fast with any regularity this is a challenge to stop eating at 7/8p not knowing when the next day we will get to eat...but amazingly that doesn't matter because we desire to be operated on and that the surgeon would be pleased with our obedience, and remove what it is that ails us.


What about you?  What about today?  Are you really serious about wanting to stop_______________________(smoking, drinking, porn, lying, anger, etc) if so maybe it's time you GET SO SERIOUS that you'd CALL A FAST and meet with the GREAT PHYSICIAN, and trust that in his hands He will bless your efforts.....?  Now before you assume this is like a genie in a isn't.  After your period of fasting & prayer you still (like even after a physical surgery) may have to deal with some issues that will require your faithfulness into a good healthy: life, relationship with others, and most importantly the LORD.  LGLP 

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